
New surgery turned brown eyes to blue in seconds

Succeeded American doctor, Gregg Homer, owner of a medical equipment companies, California, USA, in the development of new medical surgery, can turn brown eyes to blue, using laser technology

Homer and stressed that the process takes only 20 seconds, as the laser is set at a certain frequency, to remove the layer of melanin, a brown pigment from the top layer of the cornea, pointing out that the results of the process appear after 3 weeks

The importance of drinking water in the morning

Eating an abundance of water, healthy habits that help the body to carry out its vital
functions naturally, and help you to feel the balance and activity

Recent studies indicate that drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning, it may help to get rid of many health problems, and the prevention of many diseases, and increases the immune system's ability to resist disease

The water treatment is a means of health known by the Japanese people, which is the secret of Hvazam on physical activity and intellectual throughout the day, and the system relies on eating 4 cups of water in the morning on an empty stomach and then wait for ½ hour before eating anything.

Among the most important health benefits of eating water on an empty stomach

Coffee benefits to human health

It became known that the benefits of coffee multiple, and that these benefits overcome the harm caused in some special cases, and scientists have discovered a long time ago that when caffeine contained in coffee are some characteristics that affect the human body, in a positive way, but that according to studies conducted recently scientists found that one of the most important benefits of coffee is a great influence in the strengthening of human
memory and the speed of preservation
Showed a scientific paper was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience (Nature Neuroscience), that people who consumed one cup or more of coffee per day, improved to have significantly memory function, which makes the human fastest conservation, and less prone to forget throughout the day

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